Tag Archives: Contrasts

Contrasts! What Do You See?

There is less than a month left to submit images to PWP’s Second International Open Call For Entry that closes on February 28th. Unlike the first open call, where nearly 500 women photographers from around the world participated, the CONTRASTS call is going slower. Which means you have a terrific chance of having your image selected by juror Ruth Fremson for a cash prize and/or a group show at SohoPhoto Gallery in June 2011. There will also be an online gallery of award-winning images, jurors’ selections and honorable mentions, as well as an article in Imprints Magazine featuring award-winning photographers and images. In addition to offering $2,500 in cash prizes, as well as great self-promotion opportunities, this open call is a wonderful way to support PWP’s much-needed fund raising efforts.

Our marketing guru, Larry Padgett, said we would eliminate half our potential revenue by limiting the open call to women.  But this issue was never up for debate: PWP’s mission is the advancement of women photographers, and fulfilling that mission is the objective of everything we do.

The theme for this open call is CONTRASTS. There are many examples of contrasts in the world around us: young/old, black/white, rich/poor, smooth/rough, soft/hard, artificial/real. What does the idea of contrasts mean to you? We look forward to seeing your interpretation!

For a complete description and submission details, go to the PWP website Open Call page. Please join in and submit your images as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact me at development@pwponline.org.

- Terry Berenson, Director of Development