About PWP

NOosphere Gallery ©Catherine KirkpatrickProfessional Women Photographers (PWP) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of women photographers. Through exhibitions, workshops and networking opportunities, PWP creates a dynamic and inspiring environment that encourages individual growth and promotes public interest in photography. Our monthly lecture series combines social networking with the opportunity to meet successful photographers and industry leaders who discuss their careers, artistic inspiration, and technical choices.

Our members range from photojournalists to fine art photographers, from seasoned professionals to newly emerging artists. PWP supports young photographers through a discounted Under 30 Membership and through our Student Exhibition Committee.

PWP Mentoring ProgramEach year PWPʼs Community Outreach Program helps struggling New Yorkers by donating photography services to a nonprofit organization. It also provides mentoring and photography lessons to children and teens in need. In 2010, PWP was honored for this work by Women In Need with its Suzanne Pincus Commit to WIN Award. In 2011, PWP was included in the WQXR Star Initiative that recognizes excellence in the arts, and one of its blog articles was named to Photoshelterʼs list of Best Blog Posts of 2011.


 Click here to see a video introducing PWP by Fredda Gordon.


Benefits of Membership

Professional Women Photographers welcomes any photographer interested in the advancement of women in photography, connecting to other photographers, sharing information, ideas and experiences in an informal and professional atmosphere. The benefits of membership include:
  • Monthly lectures by noted photographers and industry experts
  • Exhibition opportunities
  • E-group technical support and discussion forums
  • Discounts on workshops, continuing education and gallery tours
  • Networking opportunities
  • Tours of museum and gallery archives
  • Day trips and extended tours to photographic destinations
  • Listing on PWP Website with images and link to personal website
  • Leadership opportunities through board and committee positions and service
  • Discounts at leading retail and online vendors
  • Support and encouragement for creative development

For more details, please visit our join page.

Our History
Art Parade ©Stephanie CohenIn the 1970s, there were few women in commercial or fine art photography, and opportunities for them to show their work were rare. All that changed in 1975, thanks to an exhibition at the Fashion Institute of Technology called Breadth of Vision: Portfolios of Women Photographers. It galvanized a group of women to form Professional Women Photographers (PWP), which provided camaraderie, strength and support for their professional and creative projects. In the 1980s and 90s, PWP published PWP Times and began to organize exhibitions. These include Women Photographers: New York/Tokyo, a joint show that traveled from Nikon House in New York to the Konica Gallery in Japan, and All Americans, a show that traveled in Europe and the United States in 1996. Today, while women have made tremendous strides, PWP members continue to enjoy the intangible benefits of mutual support, respect and encouragement that only a network of likeminded women can provide. With a wide range of lectures, workshops and exhibitions, PWP offers many opportunities for networking, creative development and professional growth.
Current PWP Board of Directors:
Megan Green - President, Director of Exhibitions
Nancy Langer - Vice President and Meetings Coordinator
Elaine Kirchen - Secretary
Nica Strong - Director of Membership, Director of Communications and Social Media
Nancy La Lanne - Director of Fundraising & Business Development
Claude de Backer - Mentorship and External Programming Coordinator
Renee Harper - Director of Volunteering/Speaker Coordinator


PWP has joined #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving that harnesses the collective power of individuals, communities and organizations to encourage philanthropy and to celebrate generosity worldwide. Occurring this year on November 29, #GivingTuesday is held annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving (in the U.S.) and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday to kick-off the holiday giving season and inspire people to collaborate in improving their local communities and to give back in impactful ways to the charities and causes they support.Since 1975, PWP has been supporting and inspiring women photographers around the world with lectures, workshops, exhibitions and much, much more. Monthly meetings at the Opera Guild at Lincoln Center provide an opportunity for sharing ideas and valuable networking with other women photographers.#GivingTuesday is a new way of linking individuals and causes to strengthen communities and encourage giving. To participate and give back to PWP, CLICK HERE TO DONATE! 
SEPTEMBER 2020 - June 2023 Vanetta Mayers, President; Nancy Langer, Vice President
JULY 2019 - SEPTEMBER 2020 - Sureita Hockley, President; Vanetta Mayers, Vice President
JULY 2016 – JUNE 2019 – Fredda Gordon, President; Sureita Hockley, Vice President
JULY 2014 –JUNE 2016 – Beth Portnoi Shaw, President; Fredda Gordon, Vice President
JULY 2013 – JUNE 2014 – Beth Portnoi Shaw, President; Catherine Kirkpatrick, Vice President
JULY 2012 – JUNE 2013 – Beth Portnoi Shaw, President
JULY 2011 – JUNE 2012 – Beth Portnoi Shaw, President; Trish Mayo, Vice President
JULY 2010 – JUNE 2011 – Maddi Ring, President; Beth Portnoi Shaw, Vice President
JULY 2008 – JUNE 2010 – Maddi Ring, President; Jan Wetzel, Vice President
July 2006– June 2008 – Fran Dickson, President; Maddi Ring, Vice President
Fall 2005 – Fran Dickson, President; Gloria Waslyn, Vice President
2003 - 2005 – Leslie Nagy, President
2000 - 2003 – Fran Dickson, President
1999 -2000 – Katherine Criss & Fran Dickson, Co-Presidents
1994 - 2000 – Katherine Criss, President, Tequila Minsky and Meryl Meisler, Co-Vice Presidents
1992 - 1994 – Bonnie Geller-Geld, President, Tequila Minsky and Meryl Meisler, Co-Vice Presidents
1984 - 1992 – Mariette Pathy Allen, President
1980 -1984 – Dianora Niccolini, President
1978 - 1980 – Dianora Niccolini & Nickola Sargent Miller, Co-Chairs
1975 - 1977 – Dannielle Hayes, Founder