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URBAN FABRIC — Creative Exploration of the Environment
October 23 - 26, 2013 3:00pm
Instructor/Leader: Terry Abrams
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    Barbara Nelson
    340 Haven Ave. #3J
    New York, NY 10033

Incorporate the busy street life and background "fabric" to make your subject stronger.

This workshop is limited to 10 people.

Taught by Terry Abrams.  He  will be in NYC  for the Photoplus show and  I am taking advantage of his being here to teach a workshop for PWP.

When shooting outdoors we often try to eliminate or blur the background as much as possible - this time we are using it to make the subject more dynamic and interesting.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013, 3:00-7:00 and Saturday, October 26, 2013, 4:00-7:00

Wednesday we will meet on location for some discussion and photographing.  Terry Abrams will be working with each one individually as we photograph.  All are encouraged to shoot additional images before meeting again. Saturday we will meet in a studio to review the images and discuss processing them.

Terry Abrams has been teaching photography since 1975, when he moved to Europe to establish photography programs for an

American college. He lived overseas for 13 years, during which time he taught and travelled extensively throughout Europe. Since 1990, Terry has been teaching photography full-time at Washtenaw Community College and led the transition of that program from film and darkroom to digital media. He also teaches travel photography workshops in Death Valley, Southern Utah and Maine. He received grants to travel and teach in Morocco and Turkey.

Terry co-produced the Great Lakes Digital Conference and conducted workshops alongside Thomas Knoll, the inventor of Adobe  Photoshop. 

In addition to teaching, Terry creates photographs using the latest digital technologies. His images and writing are reproduced in numerous books on photography. Terry also does individual and corporate consulting in photography.

Barbara Nelson, long time PWP member, produces the professional workshops and seminars for PWP.  Photographer, jounralist, producer of workshops and seminars for the visual arts community.  Member PWP, WICI, ASMP.