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Meryl Meisler
December 5, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm
Registration Closed

We're pleased to have long-standing PWP member, Meryl Meisler, as a special guest speaker on December 5th. 

Zoom meeting info will be sent to PWP members who've RSVPed.


Inspired by Diane Arbus, Jacques Henri Lartigue, her dad Jack and grandfather Murray Meisler, Meryl Meisler studied photography with Cavalliere Ketchum at The University of Wisconsin–Madison and Lisette Model in NYC. Upon moving to NYC in 1975, Meryl photographed the streets by day and the legendary discos at night. She began releasing large bodies of previously unseen work after retiring from 31 years as an NYC public school art teacher. Her photography books A Tale of Two Cities: Disco Era Bushwick (2014), Purgatory & Paradise SASSY ‘70s Suburbia & The City (2015), and New York PARADISE LOST Bushwick Era Disco (2021) are internationally acclaimed. Currently, Meryl has a Photoville installation in Bushwick and her first European solo exhibit at Fotogalerie Friedrichshain in Berlin.  ClampArt represents Meryl's work.

Meryl Meisler has been a member of PWP since the early 1980s. She served as Co-Vice President (with Tequila Minsky) during the Presidencies of Bonnie Geller – Geld and Katherine Criss. When Mariette Pathy Allen led PWP, Meryl was the editor/designer of the PWP Times Newsletter. She served on the PWP Board of Directors when Beth Portnoy Shaw was President.