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Book Club Meeting - Finding Dora Maar: An Artist, an Address Book, a Life by Brigitte Benkemoun
June 2, 2021 5:00pm-6:15pm
Registration Closed

Our book selection for June is Finding Dora Maar: An Artist, an Address Book, a Life by Brigitte Benkemoun, Translated by Jody Gladding

In search of a replacement for his lost Hermès agenda, Brigitte Benkemoun’s husband buys a vintage diary on eBay. When it arrives, she opens it and finds inside private notes dating back to 1951—twenty pages of phone numbers and addresses for Balthus, Brassaï, André Breton, Jean Cocteau, Paul Éluard, Leonor Fini, Jacqueline Lamba, and other artistic luminaries of the European avant-garde.

After realizing that the address book belonged to Dora Maar—Picasso’s famous “Weeping Woman” and a brilliant artist in her own right—Benkemoun embarks on a two-year voyage of discovery to learn more about this provocative, passionate, and enigmatic woman, and the role that each of these figures played in her life.