Event Recap: October Book Club Meeting: Ninth Street Women by Mary Gabriel

Ninth Street Women

Lee Krasner, Elaine de Kooning, Grace Hartigan, Joan Mitchell, and Helen Frankenthaler: Five Painters and the Movement That Changed Modern Art

by Mary Gabriel

  • A New York Times Critics’ Top Book of the Year
  • A New York Times Best Art Book of the Year
  • A Boston Globe Best Book of the Year
  • A Time Magazine Best Book of Year
  • A WBUR (NPR) Best Book of the Year

Ninth Street Women is the impassioned, exhilarating chronicle of five women who dared to enter the male-dominated world of twentieth-century abstract painting – not as muses but as artists. These five women changed American art and society, tearing up the prevailing social code and replacing it with a doctrine of liberation. This is the remarkable and inspiring story of the power of art and artists in shaping not just postwar America but the future.


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